@DATABASE "MagicWBStuff4.1_update.guide" @AUTHOR "Trevor Morris (a3nb@unb.ca)" @WORDWRAP @$VER: MagicWBStuff.guide Release 4.1_update (14-07-95) @FONT Xen.font 8 @NODE "MAIN" "MagicWBStuff4.1_update Guide 14-07-95" @NEXT "MAIN" @{fg shine} @{bg fill}MAGIC WORKBENCH STUFF 4.1@{bg background} by Trevor Morris @{fg text} @{" Introduction " LINK "Intro"} @{" System Requirements " LINK "Require"} @{" Installation " LINK "Install"} @{" For your interest..." LINK "Interest"} @{" History " LINK "History"} @{" Author " LINK "Author"} @{" Thanks to... " LINK "Thanks"} @{" This is CARDWARE! " LINK "Card"} @{" Distribution " LINK "Distribution"} @{" Disclaimer " LINK "Disclaimer"} @{" What is FilePick? " LINK "FP"} @{" What is PalPatch? " LINK "PalPatch"} @{fg fill}This archive is freely distributable, HOWEVER please have the courtesy to distribute this archive with all of its files and documentation in tact, as they are intended to help those who obtain this piece of software. Thanx!@{fg text} @{b}SYSOPS:@{ub} Please name this achive MWStuf4u.lha if you post it. Thanx in advance! @ENDNODE @NODE "Intro" "Introduction" @{fg shine}Introduction@{fg text} MagicWBStuff is a collection of icons, patterns and other stuff which I make for everyone to enjoy...all I ask is that you @{"send a postcard to Roman Patzner" LINK "Card"} or @{"email me" LINK "Author"} to let me know what you think of this archive. All included icons and patterns follow the standards developed by @{"Martin Huttenloher" LINK "Thanks"}, the creator @{"MagicWB" LINK "MWB"}. The original archive should contain the following: @{fg fill}@{"WinPatterns (dir)" LINK "WP"} @{"SML_Patterns (dir)" LINK "SP"} @{"Brushes (dir)" LINK "Brushes"} @{"BIG_Patterns (dir)" LINK "BP"} @{"Icons (dir)" LINK "Icons"} @{"S (dir)" LINK "S"} @{"Misc (dir)" LINK "Misc"} @{"C (dir)" LINK "C"}@{fg text} BIG_Patterns.info Brushes.info @{b}Example.pic@{ub} Example.pic.info Icons.info @{b}MagicWBStuff4.guide@{ub} MagicWBStuff4.guide.info Misc.info S.info SML_Patterns.info WinPatterns.info C.info @{b}SYSOPS.README@{ub} SYSOPS.README.info @{b}NOTE TO SYSOPS:@{ub} If anything is missing/added from/to the above list, please delete the archive from your BBS (my intent is NOT to spread any viruses). Also, please read the SYSOPS.README...Thanx!! @ENDNODE @NODE "WP" "WinPatterns (dir)" @{fg shine}WinPatterns (dir)@{fg text} These are just patterns which I made/converted/etc and use in my windows. They also work well as a workbench pattern: BlueStripe.win Cavern.win ClassicMarble.win Dirt.win Dune.win EmbossedWood.win Fibre.win GreyStripe.win Illusion.win Map.win Mesh.win Paper.win Rock.win Sand.win Shale.win Silk.win Slime.win Swirl.win Tile.win TinyMeter.win WeatheredWood.win Yarn.win @ENDNODE @NODE "SP" "SML_Patterns (dir)" @{fg shine}SML_Patterns (dir)@{fg text} All of the following backgrounds are listed below, and they are all 640x400x3 (3 bitplane, 8 color, standard Magic Workbench palette), except for the grey- scale images which are 640x400x2 (2 bitplanes, 4 color (actually only 3 unique colors), standard Magic Workbench palette): Bart.pat Claudia.pat GF01.pat Jenn.pat KathyIreland1.pat KathyIreland2.pat KathyIreland3.pat KathyIreland4.pat KathyIreland5.pat KathyIreland6.pat MadokaBundled.pat MadokaPortrait.pat MadokaSit.pat MadokaTowel.bat PamOnBeach.pat Stephanie1.pat Stephanie2.pat @ENDNODE @NODE "Brushes" "Brushes (dir)" @{fg shine}Brushes (dir)@{fg text} All of the enclosed brushes are listed below, and they are all 640x400x3 (3 bitplane, 8 color, standard Magic Workbench palette). You may use these to paste onto your favorite background (or try using a couple on the same back- ground!?): Amy1.brush Amy2.brush.FROM.Mikael.Berglund Amy3.brush.FROM.Mikael.Berglund Bart.brush Clarissa.brush HollyWood1.brush HollyWood2.brush Madoka.brush Shampoo1.brush Shampoo2.brush Shampoo3.brush Sonic.brush Yukimi.brush @ENDNODE @NODE "BP" "BIG_Patterns (dir)" @{fg shine}BIG_Patterns (dir)@{fg text} All of the following backgrounds are listed below, and they are all 736x600x2 (2 bitplanes, 4 color (actually only 3 unique colors), standard Magic Workbench palette). I made these for all you lucky big-screen-running-guys, but you may still have to crop them to fit your screen. As for you people running 800x600, sorry but I don't have any images that big to convert (see @{"For your interest.." LINK "Interest"} to find out how to make your own): KathyIreland1.pat KathyIreland2.pat KathyIreland3.pat Madoka2_8x6x2.pat Madoka_8x6x2.pat Madoka_8x6x3.pat Stephanie1.pat Stephanie2.pat Stephanie3.pat @ENDNODE @NODE "Icons" "Icons (dir)" @{fg shine}Icons (dir)@{fg text} Most of the Icons are self explanatory and have the Tool (or Project) that they were designed for as a name (but you may use them for whatever you like). I've created a lot of AmigaGuide icons in the standard proposed by @{"Roman Patzner" LINK "Card"}. With the exception of the Babe icon, I've stuck with the standard size and format for the icons, so everything should be in order. This archive contains the following icons: @{fg fill}@{"ImageDrawers (dir)" LINK "ID"}@{fg text} AmigaGuide.guide.info ASokoban.guide.info ASokoban.info Babe.info DashBoard.info DASModPlayer.info DASModPlayer2.info DASMP.guide.info DFA.guide.info DirectoryOpus.info Enterprise.guide.info EqEd.guide.info Galaga.guide.info Hexagons.guide.info Hexagons.info Iconian.guide.info ImageDrawers.info KRSNAke.info KRSNAkePrefs.info LhaDir.guide.info MCP.guide.info Mines.guide.info MovieDataBase.guide.info MUI.guide.info MUIPoker.guide.info MWB_DOpus5.guide.info Opus5_Start.info Plain.info Prop3D.info Reminder.guide.info SwazInfo.info System.info Term.guide.info View.info VS.guide.info Work.info @ENDNODE @NODE "ID" "ImageDrawers (dir)" @{fg shine}ImageDrawers (dir)@{fg text} These are just some drawers I drew when the occasion arose, I know there are not a whole lot, but @{"Roman Patzner" LINK "Card"} beats me to it :) Enterprise.info Hexagons.info KRSNAke.info Mines.info Mines2.info Opus5.info These Drawers are all of standard size and palette as well. @ENDNODE @NODE "S" "S (dir)" @{fg shine}S (dir)@{fg text} I've included a sample line from my startup-sequence to show you how I am using @{"FilePick by Simon Brown" LINK "FP"} (in the @{"C directory" LINK "C"}) to randomize my backgrounds: AddThisToYourStartupSequence @ENDNODE @NODE "Misc" "Misc (dir)" @{fg shine}Misc (dir)@{fg text} This drawer contains my palette and pointer prefs. Double-Clicking on their icons will only change your prefs until you reboot. If you wish to permanently save these prefs, double-click on the icons and then load the appropriate prefs util from your sys:prefs/ drawer (either PointerPrefs or PalettePrefs) and then click on @{b}SAVE@{ub}. I've also included a Template here for you to use to make your own icons. It contains all icon standards of which I am currently aware (let @{"me" LINK "Author"} know if you find any that are missing): @{b}ClickForColors@{ub} ClickForColors.info @{b}ClickForPointer@{ub} ClickForPointer.info @{b}Templates.pic@{ub} Templates.pic.info @ENDNODE @NODE "C" "C (dir)" @{fg shine}C (dir)@{fg text} This drawer contains @{"FilePick" LINK "FP"} (a random file selector) and @{"PalPatch" LINK "PalPatch"} (a direct palette shover - not remapper). Read the included docs for more information about these utilities. I currently use FilePick in my startup-sequence to randomize my backdrops and samples on boot-up (see @{"Installation" LINK "Install"}): @{b}FilePick@{ub} FilePick.info @{b}FilePick.readme@{ub} FilePick.readme.info @{b}PalPatch@{ub} PalPatch.info @{b}PalPatch.guide@{ub} PalPatch.guide.info @ENDNODE @NODE "Require" "System Requirements" @{fg shine}System Requirements@{fg text} An Amiga (this joke is wearing thin :) OS2.X+ (or MagicWB1.3 by Cl o Saulnier - see @{"PalPatch.guide" LINK "C"} for more info). @ENDNODE @NODE "Install" "Installation" @{fg shine}Installation@{fg text} You may need to modify the enclosed goods slightly to adapt them to your environment (anything that I am currently aware of is explained below...feel free to let me know of others). The contents of the original archive are listed in the @{"Introduction" LINK "Intro"}. The way I work the process is to use the WBPattern prefs and save a preset for each picture I want to randomize (in my case the prefix is wbpattern@{b}X@{ub}.pre - in which I select a background and window pattern which I like). Simply use wbpattern to call that prefix (preceeded by FilePick or some other randomiser) within tilde quotes (upper left keyboard) and followed by @{b}USE@{ub}. For example: @{fg fill} prefs:wbpattern `c:FilePick prefs:presets/pattern/#?.pre` use@{fg text} (This line is included in the @{"S drawer" LINK "S"} if you wish to paste it into your s-s. And @{"FilePick" LINK "FP"} is included in the @{"C drawer" LINK "C"} of this archive). I keep the patterns dir in the prefs drawer, however, feel free to put yours wherever you like (but make sure to amend those changes in the startup). Another way to accomplish all of the above is to register for MagicSelector by yvind Falch" LINK "Thanks"}. Available on internet. @{b}NOTE:@{ub} OS2.X users: you'll have to use NickPrefs (which you can get in the MagicWorkBench archive) to display the backdrops, however, you can still randomize them in the same manner as described above. @{b}NOTE:@{ub} 4000 owners (maybe 1200?): you'll probably have to run the images through DPaint or ADpro to remap the palette (I don't know why but the palette doesn't show up properly?!? Anyone know why - maybe I was doing something wrong!?). @ENDNODE @NODE "Interest" "For your interest..." @{fg shine}For your interest...@{fg text} The following material was created on a 14M A3000/030 with an OpalVision Board (Centaur Software), DPaintIV (Electronic Arts), & Art Department Professional (Elastic Reality). Although I'm not the original creator of the characters which I draw on the enclosed backgrounds, I DID labour over them for many hours (upto about 30 hours or more on pattern 9). Amy the Squirrel and the Clarissa Cat were created by Eric Schwartz, Cool World's Holly Wood was created by ?????, and Bart Simpson was created by Matt Groening...as well, I've drawn a lot of anime characters which I am not the original creator of. If you have the desire to create your own backgrounds and icons (which I strongly encourage, so that I don't have to work so hard ;), here's how what I do: @{fg shine}The Color Backgrounds@{fg text} i First I find a pic I like (go figure), scan it or digitize it (if it isn't already an image), then load it into ADPro with the workbench palette locked (assuming you are already running the proper palette (or you could load the palette from one of my patterns). You should do this TWICE!: once with Floyd dithering (or the algorithm of your choice) on, and then a second pass with it off. The reason for the two passes is because some parts of the pick will look good dithered, and others won't, so I pick pieces out of each to make the final image. If you do not have ADPro...THEN BUY IT...well, you can remap the image with the MWB palette right in DPaint...experiment for yourself... ii Next spend anywhere from a couple of days to a week or more fixing the image up (hand antialiasing, dithering...). One tip: sometimes it's easiest to just trace the outline of the pic in DPaint and then use the stencil to wipe out the rest of the image. Now it's just like a paint by number! Use the ranges tool to get the nice dithering effects. The magic wand tool in OpalPaint also helps to get rid of a lot of color which are similar (thereby allowing you to reduce the palette). Also I've discovered that darkening the palette (especially the pink and brown) will allow you to render some nice looking images with better skin tones. For example, for the @{"MadokaPortrait.pat" LINK "SP"} I loaded and locked the MWB palette into ADPro, darkened the brown and pink, and rendered the image (you may need to mess with the colors a few times before you get the desired look). Then I simply loaded the image into DPaint and loaded the orginal palette back in (do not remap!). @{b}NOTE:@{ub} The dithering and antialiasing can make all the difference in the world. Although, you have to develop a knack for it and it is very tedious and time consuming. @{fg shine}The Grey-Scale Backgrounds@{fg text} To make your own grey-scale images, just load your favorite picture into ADPro. Run the Color-To-Grey operator. Set your screen-mode to whatever your workbench is and a 4 color palette (make sure that dithering is envoked - Floyd works well, and that the palette is sorted from Lightest to Darkest - this option is in the Palette Requester in the Display Menu). Now render the screen. Edit the palette (in the Display menu) as follows: copy the fourth color to the third and then adjust the second color so that it is about midway between color 1 and color 3 (which is the same as 4). So you now have a three color palette. Render the image again. Now, for the next step there are two ways to proceed (1) is probably only good for experienced users and (2) is for anyone: 1) Now load the image into DPaint (or whatever) and remap the palette to the 3 grey colors of the MWB palette (you will need to swap the background grey with the second color to remap (since in ADPro we picked sort from lightest to darkest) and then swap them back and remap again). That's it, or... 2) Another approach (probably easier) is to use @{"PalPatch" LINK "PalPatch"} (PalettePatcher) which was written by @{"Cl o Saulnier" LINK "Thanks"} and is included in the @{"C directory" LINK "C"} (along with its Guide file) of this archive. All you have to do is set your workbench to the correct 3 grey colors from the MWB palette (sorted from lightest to darkest with the darkest repeated twice - position 3 and 4). You do not have to hit @{b}SAVE@{ub} in the palette requester, just @{b}USE@{ub} it. Read the PalPatch.guide for info on how to use PalPatch. Sorry if this sounds confusing, but it @{i}IS@{ui} quite tedious. Feel free to drop @{"me" LINK "Author"} a line if you get stuck or can't uderstand what I've tried to explain here. Also, I would appreciate it VERY much if you would send me any pictures you make! GOOD LUCK!! @ENDNODE @NODE "History" "History" @{fg shine}History@{fg text} @{fg fill}Release 4.1:@{fg text} Added the following: BIG_Patterns: Madoka2_8x6x2.pat, Madoka_8x6x2.pat, Madoka_8x6x3.pat SML_Patterns: Bart.pat, MadokaPortrait.pat. WinPatterns: Cavern.win, ClassicMarble.win, Paper.pat Illusion.win, Map.win, Rock.win, Silk.win, Slime.win, Swirl.win. @{b}NOTE@{ub}: I did not create the Paper and ClassicMarble patterns, but I DID make them repeat better (they both had seams). Updated the guide file. Added some more icons (the C drawer and Dog icon are ones I just fixed up - someone else drew them originally. The DOpus5 drawer has been altered). @{fg fill}Release 4:@{fg text} This archive is sort of hard to keep a history on, as there can't really be any "bugs". Everything in the archive is new. The most common suggestion I got from the people who emailed me about MagicWBStuff3 was to include the backgrounds as brushes so anyone could paste them on any size background and pattern of their choice. Well, Mikael Berglund (d0hampe@dtek.chalmers.se) actually cut out all of my old patterns for me as well as two of his own and mailed them to me!! So, I antialiased all the edges and included them along with a new one (Bart). I've also included some grey scale images (which still use the standard MWB palette). I got this idea from @{" yvind Falch" LINK "Thanks"} (who is also the author of Magic- Selector). See @{"For your interest..." LINK "Interest"} to find out how to make your own. There are a lot of AmigaGuide icons included which use the "new standard" icon template developed by @{"Roman Patzner" LINK "Card"}. Also, I'm now using @{"FilePick by Simon Brown" LINK "FP"} to randomize my patterns, samples, etc. Thanx for allowing me to include Simes :) And, there is a new template (I hope it is up to date), ....etc. @{fg fill}Release 3:@{fg text} Available on Aminet. @ENDNODE @NODE "Author" "Where you can reach me..." @{fg shine}Where you can reach me...@{fg text} @{u} @{uu} @{fg fill}Trevor Morris@{fg text} Comp 4, Site 7 RR#1 Oromocto, NB E2V 2G2 Canada Internet: @{fg shine}a3nb@unb.ca@{fg text} I do not live in an igloo and I've never seen a polar bear. A3000 030 25MHz OpalVision 14M RAM, 320M HD Suggestions, recommendations, requests, comments ...welcome! @{u} @{uu} @{fg fill}Also the Author of:@{fg text} For lots of pix, icons, and stuff to go with MagicWB, grab up @{b}MagicWBStuff3.lha@{ub} from aminet in pix/icon! Check out @{b}Ent1701D.lha@{ub} in gfx/3dobj on Aminet for a gorgeous Imagine model and preview of the StarShip Enterprise! A must have for every DOpus5 user - @{b}MWB_DOpus56.lha@{ub} in pix/icon on Aminet! It is full of invaluable stuff for the new Directory Opus including some excellent Hints & Tips! If you are running MCP by ALiEN DESiGN then you'll want my @{b}MCPGuide.lha@{ub} in docs/help on Aminet! @ENDNODE @NODE "Thanks" "Thanks to..." @{par} @{fg shine}Thanks to...@{fg text} @{par} @{par} In no particular order: @{par} @{par} Leo Davidson - for sending me more mail than any one person on this planet @{par} deserves to get @{fg shine}8@{fg text}^) @{par} o Saulnier - for always writing me a util when I need it!! @{par} and for @{"PalPatch" LINK "PalPatch"} (included in this archive). @{par} Simon Brown - for allowing me to include FilePick in this archive! @{par} Marin "XEN" "Hutti" Huttenloher - for creating the @{"MagicWB" LINK "MWB"} standard! @{par} @{"Roman Patzner" LINK "Card"} - no MWB credits would be complete without this guy! Keep up @{par} the amazing work! @{par} Aheco ten Bokkel Huinink - for the MagicAl series of icons (and the new @{par} templates which I've added to my @{"Template" LINK "Misc"} - included in this archive). @{par} Chad W. Randall - for PicTIcon. @{par} Eddy Carroll - for creating CheckGuide (used to check this guide)! @{par} Jan-Tore "SCAREMONGER" Eliassen - for his JTEMWB collections @{par} Richard "FOXX" Harris - for his FoxxIcons @{par} yvind Falch for the gorgeous grey-scale MWB images (and a cool idea)! @{par} Also, Register MagicSelector - it's a must for MagicWB users! @{par} Martin "GASTON" Rolfsmeyer @{par} Alisdair Walker @{par} Mikael Berglund, Eirik Bogsnes, John Cruise, Troy Davis, Gregory Donner, @{par} Michael Grubba, Olivier Tonino, Ivan Wheelwright and anyone else who sent me @{par} mail (sorry I can't list everyone). @{par} Mario Cattaneo Makes - for his TinyMWB Icons @{par} Timo C. Nentwig - for the beautiful EGS MWB icons! @{par} The ALiEN DESiGN Team - for MCP!! @{par} all other icon artists on the globe!! @ENDNODE @NODE "Distribution" "Distribution" @NEXT "Distribution" @PREV "Distribution" @{fg shine}Distribution@{fg text} I won't bother to put a whole wack of stringent regulations on this archive which I would never be able to enforce, and to which none of you would pay any attention, however I would ask you to please have the courtesy to distribute this archive with @{b}all of its files and documentation in tact@{ub}, as they are intended to help those who obtain this piece of software. Thanx! @{b}SYSOPS@{ub}: Please name this achive MWStuf4u.lha if you post it. Thanx in advance! @ENDNODE @NODE "Disclaimer" "Disclaimer" @{fg shine}Disclaimer@{fg text} THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BELOW, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @ENDNODE @NODE "FP" "What is FilePick?" @{fg shine}FilePick from Amazing Developments@{fg text} @{fg fill} @{u}WHAT IT DOES@{uu} @{fg text} Give it a wildcard, and it'll give back a file picked randomly from all those which match the wildcard. File - Pick. Marvellous. Useful for all those people who like to have random WB backdrops or random samples played on bootup. Me, in fact. @{fg fill} @{u}WHY IT'S GREAT@{uu} @{fg text} Werl. I wrote it, for a kick off. It can handle up to 300 files, which should be enough for just about anyone. And it's fairly small. @{b}And it's free!@{ub} @{fg fill} @{u}HOW TO USE IT@{uu} @{fg text} @{fg fill}12.@{bg shine}System3.0:@{bg background}>@{fg text} filepick where is a standard AmigaDOS wildcard string, such as @{b}#?.iff@{ub}, @{b}Work:Wossnames/pictures/blimey/deep/directory/this/#?.ilbm@{ub}, and so on. It prints out the filename it chooses, so you can use backquoting to pass it to a command, eg. @{b}"DSound `filepick sounds:StartupSamples/#?.8svx`"@{ub}. @{b}NB:@{ub} It uses the @{b}T:@{ub} directory to do something or other, so make sure that this is assigned somewhere cunning, OK? @{fg fill} @{u}OTHER STUFF@{uu} @{fg text} FilePick is freely distributable copyright 1994 Amazing Developments/Simon Brown and all that malarkey. Use it, give it to your mates, throw it on the fire, stick it up your left nostril, brutally assault Whigfield with it, I do not care. Just remember yer old mate Simes if you should win the lottery. Simes. @ENDNODE @NODE "Card" "This is CARDWARE!" @{fg shine}This is CARDWARE!@{fg text} I imagine everyone who uses MagicWorkbench knows who Roman Patzner is (author of RomIcons). Well, if you like and keep the enclosed background images, icons, etc. which I have created, then you MUST (please) send (as a favour to me) a postcard with a picture of your hometown him at the address below. Although I love getting postcards, I do not, as such, collect them, however, Roman does. Therefor I would be very happy if you would please send this guy a postcard for his amazing work!! @{b}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-@{ub} @{fg fill}Roman Patzner@{fg text} Maschl 91 A-5600 St.Johann/Pongau AUSTRIA (Mozart, Vienna, A.Schwarzenegger - but NO kangaroos) Internet:@{fg shine}k3052e1@cxmeta.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at k3052e1@edvz.uni-linz.ac.at @{fg fill}__@{fg shine}@@{fg fill}@{b}_@{fg shine}, @{ub}@{fg fill} 7/@{b} @{ub}@{fg text} Amiga 1200 _@{b}/\ @{ub} Blizzard_1230II_50MHz 6MB 120MB_HD SCSI2 @{b} @{ub} Toshiba_CD-ROM NEC_3D HP_DJ500 @{b}-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-@{ub} If you do not have any RomIcons or have never heard of Roman Patzner, then you @{"sending me an email" LINK "Author"} to tell me what you think will do as payment (That's right, all I want in return for this stuff is your suggestions, recommendations, comments and requests!). @ENDNODE @NODE "MWB" "About MagicWB v2.0" @{fg shine}MagicWB v2.0@{fg fill} @{b}============@{ub}@{fg text} The definitive WB-Enhancer no Amiga can do without. MagicWB is a full replacement for the graphic user interface of the Workbench and has become the standard on the Amiga. MagicWB 2.0 is completely restructured on a new color-allocation scheme which more than doubles the speed of the WB and reduces chip-consumption to only a third compared with all previous versions and also features a highly improved color palette. MWB 2.0 introduces a never-before-seen standard for over four dozen of new image-drawers to achieve a more diversified look on your WB. More icons, dock-brushes, a dozen of new patterns, fonts and a AA-support complete this special product. To get the 'real' look and feel of MagicWB, you should make sure that you: have set the MagicWB-Palette. Do this by clicking on the 'ClickForColors' icon. have set the resolution of your Workbench to a aspect ratio near 3:4 like 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768. The demo-version can be found on Aminet biz/demo/MagicWB20d.lha. MagicWB is by Martin Huttenloher. @ENDNODE @NODE "PalPatch" "What is PalPatch?" @{fg shine}Palette Patcher by Cl o Saulnier@{fg text} Read the guide file included in the c directory of this archive for more information! @ENDNODE